American Blue Bay Shepherd – Are They Really Blue?

Ever heard about Blue Bay Shepherd? Brace yourself for a surprise! This cool dog looks like a blue wolf mixed with a German Shepherd. It’s a real head-turner and has just strutted onto the dog scene.

Want to know more about the Blue Bay Shepherd? Keep reading, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised by this awesome doggo you never knew could steal your heart!

What Is a Blue Bay Shepherd?

Ever wished for a dog that is as cool as a wolf? They are like a living piece of art. But here is the catch – dogs resembling wolves often act all wolfish. Most folks are not keen on having an unsocial, kinda fierce pet.

American Blue Bay Shepherd Dog

The American Blue Bay Shepherd is like a solution to this puzzle. It is like they tried to mix the beauty and elegance of a wolf with the cheerful, friendly vibes and easiness to teach stuff of a regular dog. And guess what? They did pretty well!

So, how did they make these Blue Bay Shepherds Dog? They took special wolf-dogs and paired them up with those classic blue German Shepherds. They were gunning for that wolfy appearance, but with the friendly attitude and easygoing nature of a German Shepherd. And let me tell you, it worked like magic!

The History of the Blue Bay Shepherd

The tale of the Blue Bay Shepherd is not an ancient one. It all kicks off with a lady named Vicki Spencer, who breeds dogs and calls Palm Bay, Florida, home.

Now, when Vicki set out to make the Blue Bay Shepherd, she had two clear lists in her head. One list was all about the traits she wanted these dogs to have, and the other one was about the things she definitely didn’t want.

Her list of desirables included:

  • The lupine (wolf-like) look
  • Willing and loyal nature
  • Trainability
  • Affectionate and gentle temperament
  • The deep blue color
  • Robust health

But she wanted to avoid:

  • The sharply inclined back seen in modern GSDs (and the issues with hip dysplasia)
  • Tendency towards aggression
  • Tendency towards shyness
  • Eyes of a dark color
  • Ears of a large size

To lay the groundwork for the American Blue Bay Shepherd Dog, Vicki initiated the breeding of her own wolf dogs. Once she achieved the desired traits, these dogs reached the F5 generation, meaning they were five generations removed from their wolf ancestors.

In the DNA of Vicki’s dogs, there is a blend of eight different dog breeds. She has kept this mix a secret to safeguard her new breed from dishonest breeders attempting to imitate them poorly.

However, through DNA testing, it was revealed that Malamute and Husky dogs are part of the lineage.

American Blue Bay Shepherd Dog

After preparing her wolf dogs, Vicki sought out the old-style German Shepherds. These are GSDs without the sloping backs and overly angled hind legs. Additionally, she needed them to be blue to maintain the desired color.

Finding what she needed from a breeder in France, she imported two, Passion and Jordan, and bred them with her own dogs. The first official litters of Blue Bay Shepherds were born in March 2011.

They earned their name as they are blue German Shepherds mixed with the name of their birthplace, Palm Bay, Florida.

Are American Blue Bay Shepherds Rare?

Indeed, American Blue Bay Shepherds are currently quite uncommon.

Genuine Blue Bay Shepherds only originate from Vicki’s Southern Breeze Kennels. As Vicki and a small group of assistants are closely overseeing the development of these dogs, only a limited number of Blue Bays are introduced each year.

The proper development of the breed also demands careful and highly selective breeding to promote the desired traits. Since Vicki is not indiscriminately breeding these dogs, the production of even fewer dogs is ensured.

Despite their rarity, the breed is gaining popularity. For instance, a Blue Bay Shepherd named Kurgan has his own YouTube channel with nearly 300,000 subscribers. As the trend continues, there will be individuals attempting to market their dogs as Blue Bay Shepherds.

Yet, every Blue Bay receives a unique registration number, and Vicki personally signs a certificate. This documentation serves as proof that a dog is an authentic Blue Bay Shepherd.

How Much Wolf Is In a Blue Bay Shepherd?

The initial batch of Blue Bay puppies carried about 30% wolf blood. However, once Vicki achieved the desired dog, she exclusively paired Blue Bays with each other. Consequently, with each new generation, the proportion of wolf ancestry is decreasing.

Some Blue Bays might still have as much as 12 or 16% wolf DNA, but Vicki’s goal is to maintain this percentage at around 6% in general.

Physical Traits

Blue Bay Shepherds appear just as Vicki intended. These are sizable dogs with a wolf-like look, adorned in long hair showcasing a lovely blue or slate gray hue.

Their noses come in either blue or black, and their eyes tend to be light-colored, typically ranging from amber to yellow, occasionally with hints of green. Some Blue Bays even boast blue eyes.

American Blue Bay Shepherd Dog

These dogs are well-constructed and sporty. While their wolf roots are evident, they also bear a clear resemblance to their German Shepherd ancestors, notably in the shape of their heads.

Physical Features of the American Blue Bay Shepherd
HeightUnspecified but around 30 inches tall
WeightFemales usually weigh 70-85 pounds but have weighed up to 100 pounds.
Males usually weigh between 85 – 105 pounds. But can go up to 130 pounds.
LifespanToo early to know.
ColorBlue or Slate Grey
NoseBlack or Blue
EyesAmber through yellow. May have green tints.

How Big Will a Blue Bay Shepherd Be?

Given their status as a relatively new breed, there’s still a bit of variation in the size of Blue Bay Shepherds. Nevertheless, they consistently fall on the larger side of the scale.

Typically, males are larger than females and can reach a height of over 30 inches. While robust, they maintain a slender build, with females generally weighing around 70-85 pounds and males around 85-105 pounds. However, some Blue Bays can even weigh in at 130 pounds!

One thing a Blue Bay Shepherd is not — a small, adorable lap dog content in a compact apartment.

Do They Come In Any Other Colors?

While the preferred color is blue, it’s crucial to remember that several other dog breeds were blended to produce the Blue Bay Shepherd. Consequently, a few different coat colors may appear until the breed undergoes standardization.

Other Colors:

  • Beige
  • Cream
  • Beige and cream
  • White
  • Black
  • Black and tan

These coat colors might become official once the breed is standardized. But currently, the main aim is to predominantly produce the blue version.

Blue Bay Shepherd Temperament

While Vicki’s main goal was to achieve the wolf-like appearance with these dogs, she’s willing to compromise the look for the temperament. Creating a family pet was her top priority, with the wolf-like appearance being a close second.

Luckily, she succeeded on both fronts.

American Blue Bay Shepherd Dog

Blue Bay Shepherds possess a gentle and affectionate temperament, free from the aggression and aloofness of their wolf ancestors.

Of course, the dog’s demeanor also relies on training and proper socialization as a puppy. However, these dogs naturally tend to be sociable, gentle, affectionate, and playful. You can even trust them around livestock and other animals!

Sociability with Other Pets

Does bringing a Blue Bay Shepherd into your home mean you need to stick to having only one pet? Can you rely on this wolf-like dog to get along with other pets?

According to owners, Blue Bay Shepherd puppies usually get along fine with other dogs and cats. It’s important to ensure they are properly socialized, and raising them alongside other pets is ideal. However, this is a common practice for dogs in general, not just those that resemble wolves.

Are Blue Bay Shepherds Good Pets?

The Blue Bay Shepherd’s sweet and affectionate nature makes it an excellent family pet, but they thrive best in a specific kind of home.

Given their GSD and husky background, Blue Bay Shepherds are highly energetic and tend to be large. Therefore, an ideal home for them would have a spacious yard and plenty of room for them to run around.

If you’re looking for a convenient way to keep tabs on your dog’s daily activity, the Fi smart collar offers a simple solution. This slim, smart collar allows you to track your pup’s steps, set daily, weekly, and monthly goals, and monitor their fitness routine – almost like a FitBit for your dog.

Blue Bays may also experience separation anxiety, so an active family that can spend ample time with the pup is preferable.

Homes with small children might not be the best fit purely due to their size. Despite being gentle, their large and energetic nature could accidentally pose a risk to tiny family members.

Curious if your home is a good match? The best way to find out is by reaching out to Vicki herself. Currently, she’s the sole source of true Blue Bay Shepherds, and she ensures her dogs find homes where they’ll be happy and loved.

Food and Health

Vicki aimed for the Blue Bay Shepherd to be robust and healthy, but since the breed is so new, there are no established health patterns, and common problems are unknown.

Dogs with wolf ancestry generally enjoy good health and a long life. However, there’s a challenge with the small gene pool. All Blue Bays come from the same lineage, and caution is needed at Southern Breeze Ranch to prevent inbreeding and its associated problems.

To sidestep the sloped back and hip dysplasia common in modern GSDs, Vicki chose old-style German Shepherds. However, this doesn’t completely eliminate the risk of both elbow and hip dysplasia. Additionally, the Shepherds used may still pass down issues like epilepsy, degenerative myelopathy, pituitary dwarfism, and eye abnormalities.

It’s crucial to note that Blue Bays can be prone to bloat, a concern for many large breed dogs. To help prevent this, avoid feeding within 30 minutes of exercise—either before or after. Using a slow feeder bowl might also be a good idea if your dog tends to eat too quickly.

Severe Health ProblemsHip and Elbow Dysplasia
Degenerative Myelopathy
Mild to Moderate Health problemsPituitary Dwarfism
Rare Health ProblemsCancer

Grooming Needs

German Shepherds, well, they have these thick double coats that shed twice a year – once for 6 months in the Spring and again for 6 months in the Fall. And wouldn’t you know it, wolf dogs are the exact same.

For a Blue Bay Shepherd, you’ll need to brush them every day during these peak shedding times to keep things in check. During the rest of the year, you can get by with brushing them 1-3 times a week. Regular brushing not only helps manage shedding but also keeps their long hair free of tangles and gives it that gorgeous shine.

Regardless, brushing your dog is a super way to bond with them and helps them feel secure and loved in your home.

Given their high activity level, Blue Bay Shepherds usually wear down their own nails by running around on hard surfaces. If not, it’s a good idea to have clippers on hand to prevent overgrowth.

Be mindful that ear infections are quite common in German Shepherds. So, you’ll want to keep your Blue Bay’s ears clean and dry to steer clear of the same issues.

American Blue Bay Shepherd’s General Care
SheddingNeeds regular brushing and a seasonal blowout.
ExerciseEnjoys an active lifestyle. Should have at least an hour of moderate to vigorous exercise a day.
HousingSuited to be an indoor companion. Should have a well-fenced yard to romp.
TemperamentTemperament can vary. Usually very sweet, loving, active, and intelligent.
TrainabilityModerately to highly trainable.


The Blue Bay Shepherd is intentionally bred as a companion rather than a working dog, so it’s alright if they spend the occasional day indoors. However, they thrive on a relatively active lifestyle.

These dogs seem to enjoy being part of the family indoors and are oriented towards both their human pack and fellow dogs. Their moderate-to-high energy levels make having a well-fenced yard essential for their enjoyment.

When it comes to food, the Blue Bay Shepherd should be given quality, high-protein kibble that supports their joints and bones. A veterinarian can assist in selecting food based on factors like age, size, and other dietary needs.

If you opt for a raw diet, consulting with a veterinary nutritionist is crucial to ensure your American Blue Bay gets all the necessary nutrients.


Even though the Blue Bay isn’t specifically bred for work, it’s an energetic breed. Regular hikes and long walks suit them best. They might also find enjoyment in various sports like skijoring, agility, obedience, or cani cross.

To keep their throats safe, consider using a no-pull harness. When traveling, ensure they are securely restrained, as their high prey drive might prompt them to dash out of a car in pursuit of something in a split second.

What is the American Blue Bay Shepherd’s Life Expectancy?

The American Blue Bay Shepherd is a relatively new breed, so there is not yet a lot of data on its life expectancy. However, based on the life expectancies of its parent breeds, the German Shepherd and the wolf, it is estimated to have a life expectancy of 12-13 years.

The German Shepherd has an average life expectancy of 9-13 years, while the wolf has an average life expectancy of 6-8 years. The American Blue Bay Shepherd is likely to have a life expectancy that is closer to that of the German Shepherd, as it is more closely related to that breed.

Of course, the life expectancy of any individual dog can vary depending on a number of factors, including genetics, diet, exercise, and overall health. However, the information above should give you a general idea of how long you can expect your American Blue Bay Shepherd to live.

Here are some tips for helping your American Blue Bay Shepherd live a long and healthy life:

  • Feed your dog a high-quality diet that is appropriate for its age, breed, and activity level.
  • Make sure your dog gets plenty of exercise, both physical and mental.
  • Take your dog to the veterinarian for regular checkups and vaccinations.
  • Be aware of the signs of common health problems in American Blue Bay Shepherds, such as hip dysplasia and elbow dysplasia.
  • If you have any concerns about your dog’s health, be sure to talk to your veterinarian.

American Blue Bay Shepherd Dog – Are They Really Blue?

Where To Find Blue Bay Shepherd Dogs?

The exclusive source for a genuine Blue Bay Shepherd is Southern Breeze Ranch in Palm Bay, Florida. Due to their limited numbers and the ongoing development of the breed, there’s usually a waiting list of one or two years for these pups.

It’s worth noting that these pups can come with a significant price tag, although perhaps not as high as you might anticipate from such an exclusive breeder.

Keeping your Blue Bay Shepherd Safe

Enhance your Blue Bay Shepherd’s safety and well-being with the Fi GPS Smart Collar featuring Activity and Sleep Tracking. This innovative collar offers real-time GPS tracking, ensuring that you can easily locate your furry companion whenever needed.

It goes beyond just tracking by providing valuable insights into their daily exercise levels and sleep patterns. With its sleek design and durable construction, the Fi Smart Collar seamlessly integrates into your dog’s lifestyle.

Prioritize your peace of mind and strengthen the bond with your Blue Bay Shepherd. Invest in the Fi GPS Smart Collar and the Fi app today and experience a new level of connectedness and care for your beloved furry friend.

Final Thoughts

Are you intrigued by the idea of bringing a blue wolf German Shepherd-type dog into your family? The stunning Blue Bay Shepherd could be an excellent choice for you.

Moreover, you would be contributing to the development of a new breed!

Vicki stays in touch with all the pup owners to track their progress and behavior over time. Her goal is to establish and uphold a standard for her new breed while making enhancements with each new generation.

If you re fortunate enough to become the owner of one of these pups, you are not just gaining a new dog; you are embarking on a unique adventure. Plus, you will be the fortunate recipient of more love and loyalty than you might have expected!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is an American Blue Bay Shepherd?

The American Blue Bay Shepherd is a distinct and relatively new dog breed, developed by breeder Vicki Spencer at Southern Breeze Ranch in Palm Bay, Florida. It combines the majestic appearance of a blue wolf with the friendly temperament and trainability of a German Shepherd.

Known for their striking blue or slate gray coats, these dogs are bred as companion pets rather than working dogs, making them an excellent addition to families seeking an active and loyal canine friend.

Are Blue Bay Shepherds legal?

Yes, Blue Bay Shepherds are legal. However, it is essential to check local regulations regarding dog breeds and ownership restrictions, as these can vary by region.

What are the health issues with the Blue Bay Shepherd?

Due to the breed’s novelty, there are no established health patterns, but potential health concerns include elbow and hip dysplasia, epilepsy, degenerative myelopathy, pituitary dwarfism, eye abnormalities, and a predisposition to bloat. Responsible breeding practices are crucial to minimize these risks.

Are Blue Bay Shepherds friendly?

Blue Bay Shepherds are known for their friendly and affectionate nature. They make excellent family pets and typically get along well with other dogs and cats, especially when properly socialized.

Do Blue Bay Shepherds have wolf in them?

Yes, Blue Bay Shepherds have wolf ancestry. They were created by breeding specifically bred wolf-dogs with old-style blue German Shepherds, aiming to achieve a wolf-like appearance while maintaining the friendly temperament of a German Shepherd.

What is the rarest shepherd breed?

As of now, the Blue Bay Shepherd can be considered one of the rarer shepherd breeds due to its recent development and limited breeding at Southern Breeze Ranch.

What is the personality of a Blue Bay Shepherd?

Blue Bay Shepherds exhibit a sweet, loving temperament without the aggression commonly associated with their wolf ancestors. They are sociable, gentle, affectionate, and playful, making them excellent companions for active families.

What is the most friendly shepherd dog?

The friendliness of shepherd dogs can vary, but generally, the German Shepherd is often considered one of the most friendly and loyal breeds. They are known for their intelligence, versatility, and strong bond with their owners.

What is the biggest dogs in the world?

The title of the biggest dog in the world is often attributed to the Great Dane breed. These gentle giants can reach impressive heights and weights, making them one of the largest dog breeds globally.

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